One of the ways I keep myself in a chronic state of low grade anxiety is by keeping a number of half-baked ideas on the back burner (odd metaphor mix?). These ideas are spread all over my computer hard-drive, and when I come across them I think,
"I gotta do something with that!" followed immediately by,
"I don't have time to do anything with that!" You know the drill.
However, it dawned on me that you might be able to help me with this one...
I've always thought it would be interesting to have a list of, say, 50 questions that a spouse
ought to be able to answer about his or her partner if they know each other well. Anyone who does marriage counseling can tell you that couples who are not doing well often complain of not being "seen" or "known" by their spouses. I've wondered if it would be possible to establish a correlation between satisfaction in marriage and one's basic info about one's spouse (HINT HINT... Anyone looking for a Master's thesis topic?).
For now, I'm just trying to build said list of questions. The following list comes mostly from me, with additions by some friends.
But I need your help with it.
My idea of a great question is one that is very simple to answer in a word or two (
What is your spouses's favorite color? What was the name of your spouse's most significant relationship prior to you?) Some of the questions on this list don't fit that criteria.
WOULD YOU SEND ME YOUR IDEAS???? Just email them to me at, or post them in the comments section of the blog.
Also, if you have a sick sense of humor, like me, then you might want to send along some questions that you think would go well on the "Items that didn't make it" list (i.e.,
What is your spouses favorite prison? How many DWIs has your spouse beaten? )
Here's the list as it currently stands:
- What is your spouse's social security number?
- In what city was your spouse born?
- What is your spouse's blood type?
- What does your spouse feel is his or her greatest personal strength?
- What is your spouse's earliest childhood memory?
- Which celebrity does your spouse find most attractive?
- What was the most meaningful gift your spouse ever received?
- What is the most outrageous, out of character thing your spouse has ever done?
- What food does your spouse absolutely hate?
- What is your spouse’s favorite food or meal?
- What is his/her favorite dessert?
- What's your spouse's typical position for sleep (left side, right side, back)?
- What is your spouse’s favorite pastime activity or favorite hobby?
- If your spouse had the job of his/her dreams, what would it be?
- Where is your spouse’s favorite vacation spot?
- What is your spouse’s political affiliation?
- What is your spouse’s primary task at his or her job?
- Which sock does your spouse put on first?
- Would your spouse say he/she is more like his/her mother or his/her father?
- What was your spouse’s favorite childhood pet?
- Who was your spouse’s best friend(s) in high school?
- Does/Did your spouse have any odd or funny nicknames?
- What dates does your spouse remember best?
- How many times per month would your spouse like to have sex?
- What make & model was your spouse’s first car?
- What color was your spouse’s first car?
- What was your spouse’s first job?
- Who was your spouse’s best friend(s) in college?
- What is your spouse's mother's maiden name?
- What is your spouse's most enjoyable vacation activity?
- What colleges did your spouse apply to other than the one he/she attended?
- What is your spouse's most disturbing recurring dream (or nightmare)?
- What is your spouse's all-time favorite film?
- What is your spouse's most decadent fantasy?
- What part of your spouse's body who he or she say is the his/her most attractive feature?
- What is the one thing that your spouse does that annoys you the most?
- Could your spouse deal with it if all you could do was cuddle?
- How would your spouse describe his or her most pressing sexual frustration?
- What is your spouse's most attainable secret desire or goal?
- If your spouse could be any celebrity, who would he or she want to be?
- If your spouse could simply wake-up in any part of the world and enjoy a week of exploring, what location would it be (travel cost and time being no object)?
CAN YOU HELP ME WITH A FEW MORE? I'll post the results right here...
P.S. Can anyone explain why, when I publish this post, that the numbers on the list are replaced by them little flowers?